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Cooking [ or not ] for those with Fructose Malabsorption.

(Note: This is a work in progress) If you've made it here, you know someone with Fructose Malabsorption, and you'd really like to make some food that is safe for them to eat.

That's awfully nice of you, but the best way to help, is to not push the issue of trying to make food. They've probably told you to not worry about them.

If that's what they've told you, that really is the best way to help. FULL STOP.

Now chances are you still want to try and make food for them, and they've shared this website with you. If you'd still like to try, let's proceed.

Four Basic food groups - Atlantis The Lost Empire.

(image is in jest, and does not represent what is actually safe)

Ground rules.

 1. Don't try and push your food on your test subject if they aren't comfortable eating it. (It is pretty much a matter of life and death)
 2. Inform your willing test subject of every ingredient you've used, as well as how it was prepared.
 3. Be aware of cross contamination possiblities.
 4. Every Ingredient is vitally important, and needs to be accounted for.
 5. All seasonings are bad, unless otherwise stated.

Cooking rules


ALL Artifical Sweeteners are prohibited.

Good list Glucose, Dextrose, Corn Syrup*,
* Specifically corn syrup that doesn't have High Fructose Corn Syrup.(Also keep in mind that super heating corn syrup is bad.)

Bad list Fructose (duh???), High Fructose Corn Syrup, Honey, Agave,

Maybe list Cane Sugar

Every person with F.M. has a certain amount of Fructose that they can handle. Those with H.F.I. cannot have any fructose, so this guide does not apply to them.
Cane Sugar is a 50/50 mixture of Glucose/Fructose. Glucose is okay, Fructose is not. Becuase the Fructose and Glucose are bound together, some people with F.M. are able to have small quantities of sugar without issue. (I am able to have some, but if I have too much sugar it causes problems.) So as a guiding rule, less suger = better.

Invert Sugar: "Invert sugar is created via hydrolysis, a process in which sucrose is mixed with water and heated until the bonds between glucose and fructose break" (Healthline)
Basically if you have sugar and boil it in any fasion, it gets converted to fructose, so you need to be extremely careful about heat and sugar. So as a rule: Don't boil/super-heat sugar.

Disclaimer: Please note, that everyone with fructose malabsorption has their own level of tollarance, and this list might not perfectly apply to you, depending on how much fructose your body can handle. 

Things that are okay*

Meats - All okay, provided they were not seasoned. (yes,this means if it has celery juice or Carrageenan, I can't have it. only pure meat.)
 -- This rules out most sandwhich meats, and freezer turkeys and such.
White Rice
Sweet Potatoes
Flour* *not whole wheat
Corn meal
Dairy -- beware that a lot of dairy products contain Carrageenan, which would disqualify it. - Not okay.
Butter -- This is almost exclusively what I use to cook.
Corn Oil 
Baking Soda
Baking Powder
Iodized Salt
Peanut Butter
Romaine lettuce
Spinnach (in small quantities) 
Cucumber (in small quantities)
Peas - In small quantities for me.
Black Beans -- in Small quantites for me. (Warning: beans cause gas. Normally okay, but if you mix gas with F.M. symtoms, it causes extreme pain.)
Lemons* -- Lemons do contain fructose but it small quantities, so they might not be okay for everyone with F.M.  - I am okay with small quantites. 
* Provided that they don't include any of the prohibited items, or seasonings.

Things that NOT are okay*

Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Polysorbate 60
Carrageenan -- Note, this is used in a lot of Dairy products.
Nuts - With the exception of Peanuts
Peppers -- All
Black Pepper* -- I specifically have an allergy to this, that is not related to F.M.
Seasonings - most of this contain onion powder.
Sweetened Condensed Milk - very bad.
Cocoanut Oil
Vegitable Oil
Olive Oil -- due to allergy on my part
Olives*** -- Supposedly these don't contain Fructose. That said, I seem to be alergic to them.
Pink Salt
Sea Salt
Celery Juice
ALL fruit
ALL Vegitables 
All Lettus not listed in the OK category.
* Unless marked on the Okay list, assume it is not okay.

If you would like to make suggestions for this list, click here to submit a request.
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